Things to Remember


Dear Holy Family Families 

Welcome Back!!

It is WONDERFUL to see everyone again!!!!  I hope that all of you had a fun, yet safe summer.  For those of you who may not know me, my name is Jennifer Baumhoer; and I will be teaching your 3rd or 4th Grader this year at Holy Family School. I currently live in Westphalia with my husband, Mark; and our 4 children, Jonathon – 21, Elizabeth – 18, Chloe – 15, and Claire – 14.  As you can tell, I am surrounded by a lot of Love, and we also pray A LOT!!!!

I would like to first begin by saying, “THANK YOU” for allowing me this awesome opportunity of being able to teach your wonderful children which in turn gives me the honor of being a member of your Holy Family Catholic School community.  As I sit and think about all that has happened in the past year, I get chills of excitement as I look forward to another awesome year with many planned activities!!

I would also like to say “THANK YOU” to all who helped all of my students at the end of the last school year  by teaching them and helping them grow educationally and spiritually.  I am so proud of all of you who worked so hard to help your child’s education carry on during this “unexpected” time.  Thus in this newsletter, you will see some changes that have been made in our classroom due to COVID.  Please pay attention to not just the changes in our classroom, but also watch for the changes that are being made throughout our school.   (Let us pray that these changes will only be temporary!!!)

During the upcoming days of school, the students and I will be taking a closer look at our 3rd & 4th Grade classroom, learning about any new school policies (some due to COVID and so on), and going over our Holy Family School Handbook and the 3rd & 4th Grade Classroom rules. 

Lastly, please remember that I am human and that I will make mistakes. If any “hiccups” occur I will not be offended if you bring them to my attention. My contact information is listed at the end of this letter. PLEASE FEEL FREE to call me at any time!  (Preferably between the hours of 7 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.)(Texting works great too!)

                                                          Thank you for all that you do; and Welcome Back!                                                        Mrs. Jennifer Baumhoer

  Some Things to know about 3rd and 4th Grade!

Google Classroom:

This year the 3rd & 4th Graders(and myself) will be learning how to use and incorporate Google Classroom.  I have been working on it this past summer and I look forward to teaching the students how to use it. Even though our Chromebooks have not come in, we will try to work on it with regular laptops.   More information will be sent home about the Google Classroom program at the parent meeting on August 26th.  .

Class Rules:

  Below are some of the classroom rules/ expectations that I have in place for the 3rd and 4th Graders to follow. They are basically the same rules that are stated in our handbook, but I do ask that each student uses his or her common sense when making daily decisions.  

  • It’s OK to make mistakes. (As long as we learn from them and not repeat them.)
  • Listen when someone (either a faculty member or a student) is talking.
  • Follow the directions the first time that they are given!
  • Treat everyone with kindness and respect!
  • Work and play safely and quietly.
  • Take care of our school, classroom, and playground areas.
  • Always act positively towards everyone!!


I believe that a child should be able to be a child and live like a child as long as possible. With that being said, I also believe that in order for that same child to become a mature adult; he or she also needs to be held accountable for certain age required responsibilities.  I do believe that some homework is beneficial for children to become responsible higher leveled thinking students.  Each night the students may bring home a homework folder.  If a student does not finish his or her school work throughout the day, then he or she will be expected to do so by the next school day.  It is my intent to not give too much homework, so if your child has more than 1 ½  hour’s worth of written homework a night for many consecutive nights PLEASE let me know. This only includes work for that day. This does not include additional studying that may be done on prior days for upcoming tests that may be given later that week.This homework time also does not include studying multiplication flashcards, spelling words,  and vocabulary words.  I highly encourage studying each night for upcoming tests.I also believe that parent involvement in the younger years of a child by helping them study for tests or completing homework, plays a key role in helping students become more efficient students/studiers in upper grades.  Plant the seeds today so that you can watch your child grow into a future responsible adult!

“Homework” Folder

This year all the students’ unfinished work will be kept in their Homework Folder. Any uncompleted assignment can be completed during the students’ class time, free time, or at home.  All finished work can be turned in at school when it is completed. Students can also turn in finished assignments the next morning at the beginning of the day if the assignments need to be completed at home the evening prior.  

Each pocket of the Homework Folder has an important purpose.  The “Stay at Home” pocket will be for graded work, notes home, or other items that will need to  be kept at home.   The other pocket “Bring Back to School” is for home work/ school study notes that may need to be completed and returned back to school the next school day. Please make sure to check this folder nightly and take out any work that needs to be kept at  home  in order to help reduce the amount of unnecessary “floater” papers.    THANK YOU in advance for your help in this matter!!!

“Work in Progress” Folder:

             From time to time, you may see a “Work in Progress” folder coming home.  This folder is where the students will keep work that they are working on and have not finished.  This work is not due the next day. It may be due in two weeks. For example:  While reading a small novel together as a class, the students will write about the characters as they appear in the story.   Thus, this assignment will be due once the short novel is finished.   In this folder, I will also have the students store items that they may need for a later date.   PLEASE:  Do not take any work out of this folder if it comes home. If the work gets thrown away, it will have to be redone and that is not a fun task! Thank you for paying attention to this area! 

“Graded Work” Folder:  


This is an important folder that will go home regularly containing class work that has been graded. Most of this graded work needs to stay home, unless it has the words “Parent Signature” either stamped or written on it.   Then please sign your name or your initials by the words “Parent Signature” and return the paper or papers back to school as soon as possible. 

  Please know that you may not always have papers to sign in a folder. Please empty it and just return the folder to school.   If your child returns the folder within 3 days, he or she will earn a sticker on his or her sticker chart.

Interactive Notebooks/ Note Taking:

         Throughout the year, the students will use Interactive Notebooks to help them organize information and  take notes in certain subject areas.  Thus, all Social Studies notes and other important  information will be kept in an Interactive Social Studies Notebook, while all Science notes and other important information will be placed in an Interactive Science Notebook and so on.   There will be Interactive Notebooks for Science, Social Studies, Religion, Reading 3, Reading 4, Math 3, Math 4, and Vocabulary 4.  At the end of the year, I am planning on introducing the 3rd Graders to the 4th Grade Vocabulary, so they will create an interactive notebook in this subject as well or we may just use a notebook that has enough room.

   Please take the opportunity to read over any notes nightly that have been written about a particular subject for a test that will be given on a future date. This prior studying for a test will help the students become more prepared for upcoming tests in upcoming grades.  Please note: Due to upcoming unplanned or unforeseen events; notes may not be taken every day during class. Just keep reading over the same notes. 


Study Guides: 

         Before some tests, the students will fill out a study guide either on his or her own, with a partner, or as a class. All of the information to answer the questions on the study guide will be found in the notes that will be written in that subject’s Interactive Notebook during that class period. After the study guide is completed, we will grade it together during class; and the students will be allowed to correct any missed questions. The students are then expected to use this guide to help them study for the upcoming test.   Before each test,  the study guides will be turned in and points will be given for questions that have been completed and corrected.   PLEASE NOTE:  Although a study guide is a great way to study for an upcoming test, don’t forget to look over any notes that have been taken covering the tested material as well. 

4th Grade Spelling/Vocabulary:  (This will be for the 4th Graders now and the 3rd Graders later in the year. Please read my weekly newsletter for any changes.)

         This year the 4th Grade students will experience a new change in classes.  I will be teaching the students from the 4th Grade Spelling book and from the 4th Grade Vocabulary book.  Every other lesson, I will alternate teaching each subject. This means that the time that I am teaching the students from the 4th Grade Spelling book, we will not be doing work in the Vocabulary book.  For the next 2 weeks, I will be teaching the Fourth Graders from the Vocabulary book. Then back to Spelling for a week and later onto Vocabulary for 2 weeks.  At the end of each unit (1 week and 2 weeks), there will be a test covering the words that are being taught.  I plan on testing words from the Spelling book every Friday of the week that the Spelling lesson is taught. During short weeks, tests will fall on the last day of that week. 

In Vocabulary, students will not only be tested on their knowledge of the word’s definition, but also on the correct spelling of the word as well. A spelling test covering the vocabulary words from the vocabulary lesson will be on the first Friday of the first week, while the definition test will be on the 2nd Friday of the 2nd week of the Vocabulary Unit. As with Spelling, all Vocabulary tests will be either on Friday or the last day of that week.  Thank you for your patience concerning this matter! 

3rd Grade Spelling:

         Each week in 3rd Grade, the students and I will be covering a new Spelling unit.  The words for the upcoming unit will be typed by the students and taped in their planners. Also, the students are allowed to take home their Spelling books anytime to study as well.   Please take time to study these words nightly.  The extra studying will help the students with being able to spell the words for his or her test.  All Spelling tests will be on Fridays or the last day of the week.   Please make sure to read the weekly newsletters because depending on the week, like the week before Thanksgiving, a test may be not given or given on a different day. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  

3rd Grade Reading:

The 3rd Graders will enjoy Reading class with Mrs. Erin Berhorst. She will be the one to contact if you have any questions  with the 3rd Reading. She is an awesome teacher. Your child will enjoy her class!

Safety Drills:

Please be aware that we will be practicing our school’s many safety drills in the upcoming few weeks, so no need to be alarmed if you hear of your child/ children having practiced them.

 Fast Forward Programs:   

This year, Holy Family School will continue to implement the Fast Forward program in each classroom. Each student will start out the year continuing from where they left off last year.   Depending on the week, we aim to work on Fast Forward 3 times per week. More Information will be given on this at the parent meeting on August 26th.

Building Up the Kingdom Reports/ Prayers:   

During the upcoming year, Holy Family School students will be able to participate in our voluntary  Building Up the Kingdom program.  This is not a mandatory program! You may complete the whole, parts, or none of the Building Up the Kingdom rubric. Please let me know if your child has completed a certain area, so that I can note it on his or her rubric. I have attached a copy of the rubric and copies of the prayers that need to be practiced.   I know that I have the 3rd Graders practicing the 4th Graders prayers and vice versa.  I find that this helps both grades as time goes on.   Lastly, due to Covid and other unforeseen circumstances, we may have to change some of the requirements on the rubric, but do not plan on that happening. If you intend on participating in the Building Up the Kingdom,  then please plan on completing the rubric as is.     

Incentives/ Rewards:

Sticker Charts:   

Throughout the year, students will be given sticker charts.  At any time when a sticker is earned, a student can place that sticker on his or her chart. When they fill their chart, they will be able to earn a reward from the classroom treasure box. Below are ways in which a student can earn stickers:

          by making 100% on any test.

          by showing exceptional behavior in the classroom.

          by keeping a neatly kept desk area.

          by getting his or her planner signed everyday in a row for a week.     

          by getting green behavior cards everyday in a row for a week.

          by receiving a personal compliment from another teacher or Holy Family Staff member or other members of our Holy Family Community..

          by bringing graded, parent signed tests or the “Graded Work” folder back to school. 


*I may choose to add more ways of earning stickers later.


Note:  If a student loses his or her sticker chart, the chart will be replaced with a different one, but I will not replace the already received stickers.  Also if the “lost” sticker chart is found then, the student can keep it, fill it, and use it as if it was never lost.  Lastly, I will take away stickers for any undesired behavior. (I have seen in the past that by taking a sticker away from some can work just as well as taking away time from recess!)  


Throughout the year, the students are given many chances to earn a Classroom Reward  due to Great and Outstanding behavior.  When students are given compliments for this Exemplary Behavior a tally mark is given to the class towards a type of Classroom Reward.  At the beginning of the year, our goal will begin with having to earn 25 tally marks.  As time goes on, I expect the students’ behavior to improve thus it will go up by increments of 5. Please know that since these  Classroom Rewards  are because of how I believe the students should behave for me in mine and other teachers’ classrooms, I firmly believe that any costs that may incur for the Classroom Reward will be my expense.  On the other hand, I will ask for parents to bring in snacks for other holiday parties, birthdays, and school related functions. Due to COVID, please refer to the below Holidays / Birthday Treats section concerning acceptable treats.

Discipline/ Consequences:  


Green, Yellow, and Red Cards:   

 At the beginning of each day, each student will start with a green card.  Green means “Great”.  Keep up the “Great” behavior! (Please stress to your child/ children that this is the card that he or she wants to begin and end on each day)   

Yellow means “Caution”.   It is a warning telling your child that the behavior that he or she is exhibiting is not desired and needs to be stopped immediately!   

Red means “Stop” and “Think”.  A red card will be given to the students who have been warned, who have been on yellow, and who are still exhibiting and won’t stop the undesired behavior.  When a red card is received, a consequence will be given comparable to the undesired behavior exhibited. This consequence will be given to them to help them take the time needed to think about what they have done and what he or she could have done better.

 Consequences could range but are not limited to the following:  loss of recess time, doing extra school wide “chores” during recess, filling out a “Think Sheet”, and/ or time with Mrs. Reinkemeyer.  (See also the list of other consequences below.) 

At the end of each day, each student will color the color that he or she ended with in his or her planner.  They will also be responsible for writing down the undesired behavior that had earned them a yellow or red card. After you see the planner and your child explains his or her behavior choice, please write your initial next to the color so that I can see that you are aware of what is going on in our classroom.   If you ever have any questions at any time with this system, please do not hesitate to contact me.



On the other hand, during the first week of school, the students and I will discuss certain consequences that will be given when undesirable behavior is exhibited by our classroom family and/or by individuals.

Below are some of those consequences:

*   taking away stickers from the student’s sticker chart. 

*   changing the student’s card to yellow or red. (Please make sure to check your child’s assignment book/ planner nightly for an explanation of any color change. )

*  writing sentences, or an explanation of what your child could have done or said instead.

*   sitting out at recess. (I like to call this game:  Sit Down and Watch the Traffic Go By! )

*   walking during recess.

*    writing the definitions during recess to the behaviors like Talking, Listening, Raising your hand, Walking, etc. ( I find that sometimes we just need to be reminded of what these words mean.)

*   calling or writing letters to the parents. (This is generally done if the undesired behavior constantly happens.)

* a meeting with Mrs. Reinkemeyer and parent contact. 

* Think Sheets:  These sheets are completed by the students to help them reflect on the undesired behavior that was exhibited.  When a Think Sheet is given, it not only involves the student and the teacher, but the parents and Mrs. Reinkemeyer are included as well. Think Sheets are usually given after the parents have been informed about the prior undesired behavior, but they may also be given for first offenses depending on their severity.  

*School duties:  Depending on the offense exhibited, the students may need to stay in from recess and complete tasks around the school. They will be supervised  by Mrs. Woodruff, Mrs. Reinkemeyer, Mrs. Brandel, or another Holy Family faculty member. 

  **Please remember that I will try to base the consequence on the undesired behavior that has been shown.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

   Lastly, there will be Consequences given to those who violate the School’s dress code…..PLEASE REMEMBER to wear YOUR BELT or simply place an extra in your book bag!!!!

 Holy Family Dress Code:

Please make sure that you read the part in the Holy Family Handbook about our proper dress code.   There will be consequences given to those who violate our school’s dress code.   Especially beware of the belt!!!  PLEASE REMEMBER to wear YOUR BELT!!!  I know how mornings can be very hectic, so I suggest that students keep an “extra” belt in their book bags.   Trust me, many of my past students have been saved by the “extra” belt.   

No Name Papers:  

Unfortunately throughout the year, students have a tendency to forget his or her name on his or her assignment.   At first, I will allow everyone a grace period and remind the students about the importance of showing ownership of their work.  (Let’s face it we all have forgetful moments!)  

Then if the students keep forgetting to write their names on their assignments, they will stay in from recess and write their full name (first, middle, and last), in their neatest cursive handwriting 3 times for each assignment that has no name.   So please remember to write your name!!!   Be proud of your work!!!!


Assignment Book / Planner:  

Each day your child will write all assignments inside his or her assignment book. (I sometimes call them planners.)  This is a place where you can see if your child has completed his/her work in each subject, and how he or she behaved during the day. This is also the place where you can find dates for upcoming tests or activities(liturgy leadership, or other school events). Please go over the planners with your child nightly making sure that he/she has completed his /her homework and is prepared for school the next day. Lastly from time to time, I will staple some important notes or letters in the student’s assignment book/planner.  This is another way that I communicate with the parents by letting you know about important upcoming news. Once you have looked over that day’s work and removed any stapled notes, please write your initials in the proper space provided for that day.  Lastly when a child has a signature for each day of that week, he or she will earn a sticker on his or her sticker chart. 

Book Covers:

Each book except notebooks will need to be covered as soon as possible.

This helps protect our books so that we can get longer usage out of them. Please help your child do these when they are brought home.  School has covers that can be used or you can use old paper bags.  Lastly, feel free to buy material book covers to use on hard back books as well. 

Holiday / Birthday Treats:  

 I believe that the commemoration of someone’s birth is a very important milestone in that person’s life, but we also have many curricular standards that must be accomplished throughout the year. Thus, please try to let me know ahead of time when you may be bringing some goodies to our classroom so that I can plan accordingly.  With that being said…. Any “Spur of the Moment” treats will not be turned down!!  In fact, I may sometimes bring in some “Just Because” treats myself.  With that being said, more information will be sent home prior to upcoming holiday parties and treats. Lastly, all edible treats that are brought in during this COVID period need to be prepackaged and store bought.   Some acceptable treats are Little Debbie snacks, fruit snacks, fruit juices, cups of ice cream, cans of soda, and etc.   Another idea that could be used as treats are pencils or other party favors. 



Please keep in mind of certain allergies that may be prevalent among those in our classroom family.  If your child is unable to eat any item, please let the school know as soon as possible.  On the other hand, if he or she just simply does not care to eat a specific type of food, then please remind him or her  to simply say “No Thank You.” 

**With all of this being said, PLEASE make me aware of any allergies that your child exhibits especially any that have recently “popped up”. Some things that I may give throughout the year would be marshmallow treats, chocolate, or peanut butter goods, cookies, brownies, and etc.   I also do a special activity in which ice cream or soda may be served occasionally. 


Students are allowed to bring in snacks for themselves to eat during the morning recess. Please keep these snacks as healthy as possible!  Sugary sweets are discouraged during this time. (Like Skittles, Sweet tarts, Smarties, and ect.) Due to Covid-19 and the year’s upcoming cold and flu season, students are not allowed to share snacks. Personal snacks can be homemade goods if your child is the only one eating it. 

Water Bottles: 

These are highly recommended throughout the whole school year!!!  Students will not be able to use the school’s water fountains.   Please make sure that it is plastic or any kind of unbreakable material. It should also have a good lid that closes tightly.  I would also suggest putting the bottle in a gallon Ziploc bag if it is being placed in a book bag.  This will help keep it from leaking onto homework and other school items.   Lastly, no soda, juice, tea, or energy drinks in these bottles. These will need to be taken home nightly!

Morning Drop Off:

Please note the morning drop off procedures that have been sent home by Mrs. Reinkemeyer..  It is very important that we follow and learn how to follow these proper procedures. 

Bookmobile:    Due to COVID, I do not know if we will be able to go to the bookmobile this year. We will let you know as time goes on.   I will still have the 3rd Graders fill out the application for a Bookmobile card just in case we can go.  Please read below for that information.

         In the upcoming school year, the students will have the opportunity to visit and check out books from the Missouri River Regional Library Bookmobile.   In order to be able to check out any books, your child will need to have a library card from the Missouri River Regional Library.  Attached to this packet is an application for a library card.   Please fill it out and return it to school as soon as possible. (Only the 3rd Graders and those who are new to the school will need to fill out an application.)

Please remember that any books that your child checks out of the bookmobile are the responsibility of your child.  Please remind them that they need to take care of these books and not lose them.   There is a Bookmobile tub in our room. Your child may keep their books there or at their desks.  I will suggest that your child not bring his or her bookmobile books home.   I know that “accidents” happen, so it is very important that your child understands that he or she has to be very careful with these books. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me on this matter.   Thank you in advance for your understanding.


If your child is ever absent, they will still be accountable for the work that was missed that day.  Please call school as soon as possible to let us know that your child will need their homework for that day. I do not expect children to work while they are sick, but I do want them to turn it in as soon as possible.

Hand Lotion/ Hand Sanitizer/ Masks/ Lip Balm/ Cough Drops/Other Meds:

In the past, many students have been sent to the office with chapped lips, “itchy skin”, irritable coughs, and constant headaches.  If your child is prone to these ailments, please feel free to bring in some lotion and lip balm for him or her to use.  WITH THIS IN MIND- Please do not hesitate to allow your child to bring in cough drops or needed medication like ibuprofen.  These are items that are not kept on hand and need to have a parent note explaining why the meds are needed and the dosage.   I will keep the cough drops at my desk and monitor how much is being used during a certain time.  Ibuprofen will be kept in the office and monitored by Mrs. Brandel. 

Lastly due to Covid and the upcoming flu season, students are being asked to bring in personal hand sanitizers and masks.  Hand sanitizers may be used as needed, but it is asked that they not become a distraction while classes are being taught. Also anytime that we are traveling as a group or completing group projects, masks will need to be worn.     

Mrs. Baumhoer’s Contact Information:

         I firmly believe that a teacher and a parent should be in regular contact with each other throughout the school year.  Whether I am sending home a newsletter or graded work, looking over planners,  making a phone call, emailing, or simply posting information on our Holy Family website; these are all ways in which I will be communicating with you throughout the year.  Any time that you need to speak to me, please do not hesitate to call me at school or the number below.  Also you can email or text me, but it seems that I am able to text or make a phone call faster.

Jennifer Baumhoer (573) 680-2445

[email protected]

Thank you for reading this letter.   I am excited about our upcoming “Marvelous  Year!!!!!

                                                                                     Mrs. Jennifer Baumhoer

                                                                                     3rd & 4th Grade Teacher                                                                                                                                             Holy Family School

**Note:   The above items are only a few of the happenings in our classroom from day to day.   I will send home notes from time to time keeping you aware of additions or changes.   I look forward to enjoying  a great year!!


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